Cornucopia: life, life forms, and past lives

cornucopiaThe ladies of The Mystery School converse among themselves and consider where, in what past lives, they have known each other. These questions resemble the axles of a wagon, to use a metaphor. For time is different, language is different so many aeons ago, and language in fact, is a vibration, an essence. In earlier transmissions, Jalarm has told us that the word Edin (or A-din as it is pronounced in the 5th dimension) is actually a vibration essence which carries the meaning, “Creation of a beautiful garden”. That “word” is actually a vibration that goes forth and creates. We have much to learn from the subtle nature of language, as Jalarm hints.

To continue the metaphor of the axles on a wagon, in the different worlds of light, roles and functions are different (we could be Angels in other universes!) and we continue to serve that aspect of the Creative Source, maybe a Master of the Hierarchy with which we share a light essence – and we take being, and serve, be it in a light body or in a earthling body of three dimensions. Jalarm hints at a cornucopia of life, be it past lives, light body lives, and lives in schools which assist other souls.

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Ancient Nuclear Conflict; Hanuman, star-being and first Human; reception of the Star Peoples

war above EarthThe Mystery School chats on – for learning in the higher dimensions is cyclic and not linear nor rote repetition like the 3R’s of reading, ‘writing’ and arithmetic … gathering and expanding information when working with the higher energies is like the double helix spinning, slowing down, gathering speed and churning with similar, like ideas. Man and Woman must play the game of discovery and self-discovery.

There are questions about pre-historic atomic conflicts and evidence of this by way of radiation and sand turned into blue crystals. The story of Hanuman, the monkey god, who was the first Star Being charged with oversight of this planet, and also gave the DNA imprint for the evolution of the first human, the up-standing ape who would become intelligent. WAR is a terrible thing, and fear of the unknown aided and abetted by weaponry is not a good reception for the star-peoples when they come. For they are coming, with a message of love, a message of our purpose on Earth, and our true destiny as dwellers in a creation crafted so wonderfully by the Creative Source of All.

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The Outback Cross, the subterranean waters; frustrations and knowing your purpose

doorwayThe Mystery School toils on using both The Oracle and asking questions of Jalarm. The ladies remark that the energies are very strong indeed this day, recalling other occasions and members of The Hierarchy, when they have been present. A question is asked about the plans of Australian Aboriginal Elders who seek to place a huge cross in the Outback atop a hill for the spiritual benefit of all on this Earth.

Jalarm is asked about the great reserves of underground water. This becomes an opportunity to remind us all that the Earth is not entirely solid, and there ought be checks and balances in mining operations. Mining is a great risk for our planet and its stability. The ladies of the Mystery School ask for any important message. A most revealing answer about the presences of the star-people and the pupose of life on this planet is tendered for our reflection.

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Twin Planets and the Coming Forth of the Star-Peoples

FireAs the Earth approaches the Autumn Equinox, the ladies who do global service bringing their skills and energies together and form the Mystery School meet once again, after a long summer and amid global challenges. Jalarm has come and reassured all present that all thing shall be well, if but we learn who we are and why we are here. True to their task, the ladies ask questions about the history of the Earth and the presence of Star Peoples.

Jalarm – in his compassion – explains much about the past of the Earth and how the Earth herself was brought here and all on her was in fact brought from elsewhere. There are other planets in our Universes which resemble the Earth, and the beings upon them have emotions and are somewhat earthling – like in appearance. Jalarm goes on to explain …

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Journey of the Soul; Names and Forms; Planetary Healing;

AngelWe have all emerged from the Source of All, and when we take up our bodies, we form a relation with that whom we feel the strongest connection – to the All, to Boundless Love, to that name and form we feel affinity for. Now is the time for Planetary Healing, now is the time to understand and experience, All is ONE. Read on as Jalarm unfolds the journey of the Soul.

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