The Outback Cross, the subterranean waters; frustrations and knowing your purpose

doorwayThe Mystery School toils on using both The Oracle and asking questions of Jalarm. The ladies remark that the energies are very strong indeed this day, recalling other occasions and members of The Hierarchy, when they have been present. A question is asked about the plans of Australian Aboriginal Elders who seek to place a huge cross in the Outback atop a hill for the spiritual benefit of all on this Earth.

Jalarm is asked about the great reserves of underground water. This becomes an opportunity to remind us all that the Earth is not entirely solid, and there ought be checks and balances in mining operations. Mining is a great risk for our planet and its stability. The ladies of the Mystery School ask for any important message. A most revealing answer about the presences of the star-people and the pupose of life on this planet is tendered for our reflection.

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Twin Planets and the Coming Forth of the Star-Peoples

FireAs the Earth approaches the Autumn Equinox, the ladies who do global service bringing their skills and energies together and form the Mystery School meet once again, after a long summer and amid global challenges. Jalarm has come and reassured all present that all thing shall be well, if but we learn who we are and why we are here. True to their task, the ladies ask questions about the history of the Earth and the presence of Star Peoples.

Jalarm – in his compassion – explains much about the past of the Earth and how the Earth herself was brought here and all on her was in fact brought from elsewhere. There are other planets in our Universes which resemble the Earth, and the beings upon them have emotions and are somewhat earthling – like in appearance. Jalarm goes on to explain …

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The Phoenix, The Earth, The Human

FireThe meetings and the discussion topics of the ladies who come together and comprise The Mystery School are never idle speculation. Beings from many worlds attend and the air is thick with energies from the higher dimensions – other beings from other worlds are present, and learning as Jalarm has told. In this transmission, Jalarm takes up a discussion about the myths and patterns of the sometimes called fabulous bird, the Phoenix. We learn the Phoenix is both real and a metaphor of the cycle of birth – death – and birth again.

The human body has many sheaths; fire, earth, space, air and water all exist within the various sheaths of the human. Air is present as oxygen, and one of the Ladies asks about depriving cancerous cells within the body of oxygen. Jalarm confirms this is correct as a technique of healing. It remains to be seen when science will catch up with spirituality, its long-lost cousin in research about the truth of life on Earth, and life in the Universe.

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Sacred Dance; the coming of the Moon and the Occitan Peoples

Moon with Occitania leitmotifIt is the New Year of 2014, which came – as many observed – with a New Moon. While the Moon was weak, it augurs brightly for a year of love expanding and filling many hearts. A new Moon is always a conjunction of the Sun and Moon, and Jalarm goes on to explain the balance of energies flowing to the Earth from both the Sun and the Moon.

The New Year – here on Earth – is greeted with celebration and festivities. One of the Harmony Sisters (Valerie, Jacqui and Jill) asks if there are celebrations in the “place” or “domain” … or dimension where Jalarm has being and existence. A most surprising answer is given.

You will note the image of the Moon with little red rubies in the shape of the Flag of the Occitans of South France. Valerie (through Jacqui and Jill) asked about the Occitans and an informative answer comes with respect to understanding much about the histories of the Earth and what the archaeologists uncover, and how – as Jalarm has explained before – there were many starpeople doing genetic engineering.

We, here at the Mystery School wish you an “Auspicious” New Year; May your year and all that you learn and create bring blessing to you and your beloveds. We here at the Mystery School serve you with joy and humbleness as we bring you the transmissions of Jalarm, the Hierarchy and The Oracle:

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Good living, Food and Common Sense


An important teaching is “you are what you eat”. In a previous transmission, Jalarm told that a well balanced diet and taking appropriate supplements can aid the re-activation of the 10 strands of inactive DNA within the human. In this session with The Oracle and Jalarm, we take up this earlier issue briefly. Jalarm tells that Blood Groups are very important where diet is concerned, and that we should all seek to find the diet we are comfortable. It is important, however, that we do not over-eat. Jalarm also says that common sense and balance is needed with supplements. The first of the Full Moon meetings for world peace and harmony is mentioned.

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