John Barrow – Some Reflections

John Wynford Grey BarrowA memorial service celebrating the life of John Barrow was held on Wednesday 11 September at the Moss Vale Golf Club. The event was well attended, and many memories of John Barrow were shared. In this post, we explore the spiritual dimensions of the life of John Barrow, husband and soul mate of Valérie Barrow.

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Vale John Barrow

John Barrow

Valérie Barrow’s husband John passed on Friday 9 August, 2024. He was surrounded by his two sons and Valérie’s family. John Barrow passed comfortably, in peace. A memorial service will be held in a few weeks.

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The Start of My Mission

Book cover - CommunionThis day – 17 December – is the birth anniversary of Valérie Barrow. We recall Valérie’s works and post an article about the beginnings of the life-work of Valérie Barrow, who held the Alcheringa Stone, a stone that was metaphysically connected to Uluru.

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Alcheringa Tells the story of Human DNA

Alcheringa Tells the story of Human DNA

Alcheringa is now asking me to look at the various life forms on Earth and see how similar we are in regard to DNA.

Which species has the most similar DNA to humans? Chimpanzees. Although figures vary from study to study, it’s currently generally accepted that chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and their close relatives the bonobos (Pan paniscus) are humans’ closest living relatives, with each species sharing around 98.7% of our DNA.

How similar in DNA are we to each other? All human beings are 99.9 percent identical in their genetic make-up. Differences in the remaining 0.1 percent hold important clues about the causes of diseases.

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Uluru and the Star People by Valérie J Barrow and Alcheringa

Uluru and the Star People by Valérie J Barrow and AlcheringaValérie Barrow’s last great work was her book co-authored by the Spirit Guide Alcheringa – who oversights this part of the galaxy – the Milky Way and our Solar System. This is a book that confirms the stories passed down in the Dreamtime about the human ancestors from the Stars – those that Valérie and all her spirit guides and mentors called the Star People. This is a work infused with the spirit of “Upstairs” and is an important relating of the history of human life on this planet, with its two genesis events.

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Helen Smythe Remembers Valérie

Helen SmytheHelen Smythe has been a friend of Valérie Barrow’s for more than 40 years. Helen collaborated with Valerie in delivering the messages of the Cosmic Sai Baba in German translation. Helen – a medium – also brought forward several significant messages for Valérie, which have been reported elsewhere on this website. On the day of Valerie’s memorial and celebration, Helen attended with one short talk to offer, but as proceedings ended rather quickly, she was unable to speak. Helen is delighted to share her message here, on Valérie Barrow’s website.

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Valerie Barrow: Video of Memorial and Celebration of Life

Valerie Barrow: Video of Celebration of LifeValerie Barrow passed from the mortal coil on 30 June 2022. A private cremation was held, and, as per Valerie’s wishes, a public event was held at Dormie House, Moss Vale, one month later. On 29 July 2022, more than 70 persons assembled at Dormie House to participate in the commemoration of the life and works of Valerie Barrow. A video was prepared of this event.

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