Yalarm: So do you have a question for me?
Jacqui: Do you have a connection to Sirius? Is that where you are from?
Yalarm: I do indeed – but then the beings of Light that come from the Dimension of Light that I come from have been in many, many planets and so you could call it an ‘incarnation’ if you like – it is the same as taking on a different body when you are on the Earth in a human form – and in a light being body you can also take on a form and incarnate into a form that exists on different planets – and yes … I have been on the planet known as Sirius. There are a number of planets there of course – so does this answer your question?
Jacq: yes, thanks.
Sanat Kumara as he was in a Light Body (The Nords) on Earth – pre Atlantis
“I am Yalarm – again I have jokes (he came in with a ‘plomp’ and made us laugh) but it gives me pleasure to be here to answer the questions that you have and to also enlarge in your general knowledge.
Yalarm: So do you have a question for me?
Jacqui: Do you have a connection to Sirius? Is that where you are from?
Yalarm: I do indeed – but then the beings of Light that come from the Dimension of Light that I come from have been in many, many planets and so you could call it an ‘incarnation’ if you like – it is the same as taking on a different body when you are on the Earth in a human form – and in a light being body you can also take on a form and incarnate into a form that exists on different planets – and yes … I have been on the planet known as Sirius. There are a number of planets there of course – so does this answer your question?
Jacq: yes, thanks.
Yalarm: Did you have anyone in particular in your mind when you ask about Sirius. (How do you mean? Jacq: asks) There are a number of different races that comes from Sirius – so I am asking is there a race or somebody that you have in mind?
Jacq: No not really. Another thing I wonder is do you come from a certain colour vibration like a ray of Light?
Yalarm: All Light is colour and divides into different vibration so yes, that is true. We can switch from one to another very easily, in fact we do … and so it depends upon who we are working with as to the colour vibration you are influenced. This is adjusted from a point that you are not quite seeing but it does help to bring through information that is appropriate for your vibration.
There is also a ‘sound’ that goes with that as well.”
My whole purpose of being here is to clarify a lot of the information … or misinformation about the times of ATLANTEAN.
I have said, that there are Beings of Light that occupy this Earth – this world – they did so for thousands of years – there has been mentioned 100.000 years and there has been mentioned 200,000 years. There again there is varying information coming through. This I will clarify through the Oracle.
It is hard for us to give a time – because the time is measured very differently from your Earth scientists. So I hope you understand that. But I can give you a time that will collaborate more with the story I want to provide to you. Is that all right? (All said yes)
Jill: I am very interested in hearing more stories … the stories sound wonderful … but neither of us can ‘think’ to ask questions at the moment.
(Note : Valerie said when she was in the presence of the Avatar in India – she found it very difficult to ‘think’ in his presence. Something similar seems to be happening here today)
Yalarm: I know Valerie is wondering about the Nords who are known as the Light Beings that had very white coloured skin and white coloured hair. They did live in the North Hemisphere and that is why they are called “The Nords”
They were a race that came and they did separate and established civilizations or shall we say various townships in the North – this was all before Atlantis Fell or when the Seas rose or before the Ice Age.
They came with much knowledge and they had advanced technology, which has been passed on through drawings in Egypt and other places around Europe – and South America – in Australia yet to be found – and also advanced technology in Africa. In other words they had influenced many races that had lived on this Earth and they themselves in the north began at the North Pole – but that is not exactly correct – it was an area that was a little warmer than what it is now – but they lived on land on the North of the Earth Planet. In the Northern Hemisphere in other words.
There were/was quite a lot of inter-communication between various races – for there are other races that came from other starworlds. The starpeople from the North actually came from Arcturus. But then they were influenced by many other planetary people that came from the galaxy – and so it is a little hard to pin-point where they came from. But as I have said, that had whitish skin, blue eyes and white coloured hair. As they lived on the Northern part of the Earth – they did integrate later with other races and so that still permeates through all races upon this Earth – for occasionally people are born with white skin, blue eyes and white hair. So would you like to ask a question about that?
Jacq: The thing that interests me is … did the poles actually shift?
Yalarm: They have shifted over time … a few times actually … in the progression of the evolution of this Earth – yes. There was a change particularly when Atlantis Fell. So do you ask the question for a reason?
Jacq: No. I just recently heard that there was proof of rainforests at the South Pole.
Yalarm: Indeed – indeed – there was a warmer climate there yes. I was mentioning the race known as the Nords and they were not purely at the North Pole but rather further South. But there was a change in the North Pole and so the lands where they existed seems to be closer to the North Pole now.
Jacq: It is said that Arcturians do communicate with Earth and if so how do they get here?
Yalarm: They communicate with Earth very much so – yes – there are quite a lot of different beings that are from the generation of the Arcturian that have influenced the Earth and still remain in contact with your Earth so they can overview and assist the peoples who are here now on Earth. Some of the Souls that have come onto Earth have very strong connections to Arcturus and that influences them very easily – but there are others that have been from other worlds – other planets and all these are influenced in their cultural ways and their technology and their understanding of the Creative Source of All.
All this infiltrates into the humans that you are now – as Earth People.
Jill: Asks if we are heading for another Ice Age?
Yalarm: The Earth, my dear, is in a solar system and it is constantly moving. The whole Solar System is constantly moving within the Galaxy and that Galaxy is constantly moving within the Cosmos and Yes – changes come … and so yes, there will be Ice Ages more upon this Earth, this Planet—but I would not worry about this if this concerns you—the word EVOLUTION means ‘evolve’ in cycles. There will always be change – you are aware that the Earth has recently gone through a magnificent cycle – that has opened into new dimensions for you and is taking you into the Golden Age … the 5th Dimension which is of a golden colour and vibration. It is faster than what you have been used to – but once you get into that particular Dimension it will not appear to be FAST at all.
Looking from the outside in … the perception is FAST … but when you move into it totally – it will be normal – does that make sense? (they all agree) And we that do that work to assist the little earthling are very happy and pleased about this.
Jill: When we move into that Dimension will we need as much food.
Yalarm: When you move into that Dimension fully, you will be very aware of the body you carry or that you wear and you will know what it needs to nourish it and what it doesn’t need. And so elimination will reduce slightly – it depends … it will be a knowing that you do not need to eat as much … or what you do need to eat to nourish the body. Does that make sense?
(All agree)
You will also know and even now you need to nourish the body from the energy that comes from the Centre of the Universe which is the Creative Source of All.
Which is giving life to everything – not just here on Earth but – in ALL Solar Systems, in ALL Galaxies and within the Universe and I say ALL Universes. Does that make sense then?
(They all agree)
When the energy is drawn from the Source of All Creation it is automatically adjusted to the vibration, or the dimension or the colour – that is needed and recorded in the Being that you are from whatever, or wherever you operate. It has a lot to do with PERCEPTION – perception is an important word in meaning and understanding about everything in the Universe.
Jacq: One last question – going back to Abraham in the Bible – can you shed any light on his significance.
Yalarm: Abraham, of course, represented many people … and it is a way of telling a story of much how the Earth evolved. And this is written in the Bible – but the actual story itself is much larger and much more involved than it appears from reading it in the Bible. However the story in overview is correct – and so if you were to read the Bible you would understand … if you let your mind ‘open’ to seeing and feeling and intuitively understanding what the story is actually telling you.
Yalarm: Suggested we work with the Oracle for the moment …
Notes with Oracle:
We asked for clarification of 100,000 years or 200,000 years ago when the Nords first came to Earth?
We agreed the Nords were white – were they Albinos – (no pigmentations) –
The Oracle said: yes!
Oracle said: 500,000 their time. (starpeople’s time) But with clarification it would be said to be 200,000 Earth time.
They lived on Earth 500,000 (albinos – both human and animals) their time.
When some later mated with Earth people, the children were born with blonde hair which is White Hair melded with darker pigmentation from the Earth, and so the Nords were white but some produced children with the Earth people and the children had lighter skin and blonde (golden yellow) hair.
(Continued in the next post)
© Valerie Barrow, 2013. All material may be reproduced provided the source is cited, and it is not altered