The Level Playing Field

The servants of The Mystery School come together in service of humanity. In this wise, the Source of All Creation may send images, impressions, thoughts and energy to the participants, in order that the discussions and interactions that follow unfold and develop the messages from the Oracle in ways that all may take up and understand. All sit at the table, and just as all (listen) (read) (absorb) (understand) (take up) the same web page, the information is disseminated to different levels of the human person – and the representatives of the other worlds who attend these sessions, as the Source reveals during the work.

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Paradise: The End of the Dinosaurs and the rise of Christ Energy

The Source (God) continues to answer the questions of the participants in The Mystery School. In order to know our future and the energies the Earth is moving into – along with all that live upon Her – we must learn the history of Earth’s past and why older energies – such as that of the Dinosaurs – must be dispersed. The new energy is the 5th Energy, the energy that is coming from the suns aligned with the core of suns reaching back to the Creative Source of the All. It is from here that the Christ energy is flooding on the Earth.

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The Disappearance of the Mayans, the Akashic Records, the 5th Dimension

kulkulanThe air is thick with higher energies – and the presence of others from other worlds who are observing the Mystery School at work. Discussion turns to the Mayan civilisation and its mysterious disappearance from the face of Earth. The question of animal and human sacrifices is explored. The question of records of events is expanded to a fuller understanding of the Akashic Records and the story of the Soul of the Earth, Bhu-devi or Gaia, as she is known. Jalarm expands on the 5th Dimension.

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Cornucopia: life, life forms, and past lives

cornucopiaThe ladies of The Mystery School converse among themselves and consider where, in what past lives, they have known each other. These questions resemble the axles of a wagon, to use a metaphor. For time is different, language is different so many aeons ago, and language in fact, is a vibration, an essence. In earlier transmissions, Jalarm has told us that the word Edin (or A-din as it is pronounced in the 5th dimension) is actually a vibration essence which carries the meaning, “Creation of a beautiful garden”. That “word” is actually a vibration that goes forth and creates. We have much to learn from the subtle nature of language, as Jalarm hints.

To continue the metaphor of the axles on a wagon, in the different worlds of light, roles and functions are different (we could be Angels in other universes!) and we continue to serve that aspect of the Creative Source, maybe a Master of the Hierarchy with which we share a light essence – and we take being, and serve, be it in a light body or in a earthling body of three dimensions. Jalarm hints at a cornucopia of life, be it past lives, light body lives, and lives in schools which assist other souls.

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The Cardinal Grand Cross

cardinal grand crossThe Mystery School continues to examine mysteries, this time, from the heavens and the topic of astrology. Jarlarm tells that astrology used to be a scientific matter which has lost is way, and is on the return to strength, once more. Jalarm also tells that the birth and planet which sends light energy to the newborn soul influences that human while in the body. The Mystery School turns to the significance of the Cardinal Grand Cross appearing in this time between eclipses, and seeks to know if this is a signal of the forward advance of humanity into the Golden Age.

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