A new chapter opens in the Mystery School. The ladies who serve humanity return, with awareness that communication from a nearby Galaxy – Andromeda – and reverting to an Oracle in Andromeda are the tasks of the day, and the future. The Mystery School exists to help humankind learn of their history and origins from before the Fall of Atlantis. Now, both The Oracle and The Source (one and the same using different means of communication) open the doors to our galactic history.
The Source Speaks
The Story of Many Hybrids
One of the Ladies ladies of The Mystery School asks The Source about Peace on Earth – as the times are filled with conflict and disturbance all round. God, The Source, confirms that the human came to Earth with a soul contract to learn how to get along and not raise a weapon to sort a difference. The Source goes on to give the origins of the Hybrids on Earth.
Speaking from Andromeda – and the White Animals of Andromeda
The Mystery School continues; the ladies ask if there is a message from Andromeda. What follows is the lifting of Valerie’s consciousness to Andromeda and some staccato verbal message as thought in Andromeda – and in all the higher dimensions – is telepathic or thought transfer – or it may even be symbol and vibration combined. The message changes medium to thought transfer. The Message from Andromeda speaks of a civilisation of peace and harmony and the evolution of the earthling. There is a brief note about the passage of the Earth through the energies of the times.
The University called Andromeda
These are times of challenge and change where one has to keep in touch with the energy of the Source in order to stay grounded in what is rapidly becoming a topsy-turvy solar system. This is evident in the energies sensed by the Ladies of the Mystery School as they come together in service of ALL. The Source goes on to reveal the University of Andromeda where many beings are in spirit learning to assist the Earthling. The magenta energy-colouration of Andromeda is also related by The Source.
The Energy of Water
The ladies of The Mystery School join together once again to give up their time in service of others, humanity, and the starpeople who seek to assist the little Earthling. In this session, we find that the blue water which covers much of this planet holds many secrets, yet to be explored. We are also reminded about the OverSoul, the individual soul and the distress and forgetting that separation causes. Separation is really an illusion as all are of the one essence, really. We learn some surprises about Andromeda.