The Dingo; the Light-Beings who are always here

dingoIn many sessions of the Mystery School, we have been taught that everything on Earth has been brought here from somewhere else. The great sea-beings, the whales and other cetaceans, came very early, to hold a vibration of peace and harmony in the waters. The Earth was moved into its present orbit (to allow for warm-blooded creatures) and the Moon was brought here to be our satellite. Jalarm and The Oracle have spoken often about creatures from the past and how they were brought here.

In this session, we learn of the Dingo, which does not share any of its DNA with other species of canines. We also learn of the perpetual presence of high beings, angels and possible mass-vision of Sai Baba, who is still here in the next dimension.

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The Human Life-Love, and Pyramids

share lightIn The Mystery School, we have important matters to continue with. Many know of rumours of Star Peoples, and fear the presence of the Star Peoples here on Earth. It is to be understood that many, many Star People do in fact take birth as humans in order to have the experience of family love, to know that warmth of being nurtured, loved, succour and balm, and being loved simply for who you are! The Star Peoples come, live human life and take those experiences and memories and impulses to love with them when they leave the human form.

The Pyramids are the next topic of discussion. We learn that they have an important role for human consciousness and raising of energy levels, as Jalarm shares.

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Reincarnation, Star Peoples and the Journey of the Foetus

foetusThe ladies that make up the Mystery School often share that it is nearly impossible to think or to delve within themselves to find questions to ask; this is attributed to the high levels of energy present in The Oracle itself and the extra-ordinary high levels of energy that Jalarm gives out with his presence. We may vouch for this phenomenon ourself.

Yet, this phenomenon aside, a most important part of the Mystery School is the discussions the ladies have once the session has commenced; the raised levels of energy present, many spirit beings from other worlds attend (we have been told several times – and we have their gratitude for these sessions) and thoughts are floated around them by members of the Hierarchy in order that the ladies pick them up, make them their own, and then begin to develop the material presented.

Collaboration and teamwork – in harmony, cooperation and understanding – is a most valuable component of the workings of the Mystery School. Often, common-sense is blended with spiritual-sense as the participants delve deeper into the work of the School. This provides a most important foundation as we do this day explore about Reincarnation, the Zeta Greys and the journey of the human foetus.

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Ice Age mystery

hands around the EarthThe Mystery School had been in recess for some time for many reasons – for each follows their soul blue-print, and each has their duty to home, family, society – and even – the denizens of the various dimenions: Third, Fourth, Fifth and yes, the Sixth Dimension, the place of profound purity of Light and Love.

Some would remember a song, Love makes the world go ’round!, for it rose and rose in the song charts and was mightily popular: an evergreen. This was a 1958 by Ollie Jones, popularized by Perry Como and The Jets. It is love that makes the world go round whatever is happening on the surface of our planet. Some do lose heart and long for days of peace on our home, Mother Earth.

On this day, The Oracle prompts us to recall that all prayer is heard, and accepted; that time spent in prayer, that energy offered up, is taken and used in places of need on our home planet. Jalarm welcomes the return of the ladies who comprise the Mystery School, and asks their questions, offers advise, and gently reminds them to use the Oracle as often as possible.

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Transmission from Ancient Eagle Woman

eagle woman

As many of you know, Valerie Barrow is a medium and serves as a lightworker. On the first Tuesday of each month a small spiritual circle gathers and there is a transmission from Cosmic Sai Baba, whom Valerie serves. Valerie also serves as a medium for many other spirit mentors, and Jalarm the Atlantean, Alcheringa, Sanat Kumara and the Aboriginal Mother Goddess Goolagaia have all come through Valerie at different times.

After the October Transmission by Cosmic Sai Baba, telepathically, Cosmic Sai Baba asked Valerie if she would allow another to come through. Valerie agreed. Here, we let Valerie describe the experience of mediumship for the Ancient Eagle Woman:

… was suddenly taken over so that I couldn’t change my sitting style. My shoulders were pushed closer together towards my chest and then lifted up under my chin – I saw myself as a large eagle—-I could even feel her large beak where my nose is. An extraordinary experience I can say. The eagle was female and introduced herself as an Ancient One – part of the Bird race from the Cosmos, who helped create this planet earth. (I haven’t lost it I can assure you)

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