The Past, the Future and the Young: What world will we create?

uffingtonIn response to a question about one of the forms of the Hierarchy as divine on Earth, Jalarm reminds us that imagination is the “Nation of Images”, and that the Divines take form as appropriate to the needs of the time and place.

The Harmony Sisters (and guest) had been discussing good and evil, the nature of the soul, and human behaviour. The patterns of the soul and the signature of the soul also came into discussion. There was reference to the mini Ice Age around the the time of the Fall of Atlantis and how humans retreated to the caves; Jalarm tells that many were practically lawless when they came out into the Sun again. It seems our young people at times, can be practically lawless also.

Many elders (and parents) have concerns about young people and the lives they create – some writing this off as “teenage rebellion”. However, Jalarm reminds us that the times are changing, the 4th Dimension is here, and attention must be paid to the needs of the young people and they should be encourage to pursue a path of their own that creates a correlation with what is happening on our planet. They are our future. Wisdom and knowledge were imparted by the starpeoples in times past, and it is present and waiting to be exercised by young people, tells Jalarm.

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Meditation on Light

Light for Meditation

Many years ago, perhaps in the early days of awakening in the New Age movement, the times of the 11-11 portal openings, many seers and visionaries were reporting that a time of three days of darkness was to come; there would be no light, no electricity, and humanity would be living in darkness. As most of humanity would be in ignorance of this, this was expected to be a time of terror and extreme reactions by persons unable to cope with such a catastrophe, as some would call this. It is now understood that in the last three months, this “wall of darkness” has occluded the light, and darkened the inner light to some extent in the social, intellectual, physical and spiritual domains of the person.

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