Meditation on Light

Light for Meditation

Many years ago, perhaps in the early days of awakening in the New Age movement, the times of the 11-11 portal openings, many seers and visionaries were reporting that a time of three days of darkness was to come; there would be no light, no electricity, and humanity would be living in darkness. As most of humanity would be in ignorance of this, this was expected to be a time of terror and extreme reactions by persons unable to cope with such a catastrophe, as some would call this. It is now understood that in the last three months, this “wall of darkness” has occluded the light, and darkened the inner light to some extent in the social, intellectual, physical and spiritual domains of the person.

This wall of darkness is passing as we have been advised (see this link ), and the first aspect of this passing of darkness is the lunar eclipse of 15 April 2014. Lunar eclipses cast an internal shadow on the mind, for the Moon is the presiding deity of the mind. There is a solar eclipse to come also, on 29 April 2014; this will be visible in countries in the northern hemisphere.

Eclipses have impact on the mind and the body; it has been found that during solar eclipses, the flocculation of the blood collapses; there is an important ray – or vibration if you wish to call it that – from the Sun which energises our blood in our bodies. When the Sun’s rays are blocked, there is an internal dimunition of light within the body. This affects the nadis in the body, it affects the inner sun within the body, it affects the energies flowing up and down the spine to and from the chakras. Light is said to enter the body at the Solar Plexus chakra, where we have an inner sun. So we may take action to maintain and increase, multiply the levels of light within.

The light within, our inner sun, needs enhancement – not only during the time of these eclipses – but also during the time of this “flowing through a wall of darkness – as we are told the Earth is experiencing at this moment (others call this a chaotic node) that we maintain the light within, that we maintain our energies within and not fall prey to drifting currents of darkness, and the broadcast of negativity from others on the etheric waves surrounding the Earth. We may maintain our inner sun, our light, enhance and multiply this through meditation on light.

Meditation on Light

This is sometimes described as The ‘Most Effective Form of Meditation’

View the full screen version of this meditation here

The most effective method of meditation

Set aside a few minutes, every day, in the beginning for this; later, you are sure to extend the period, when you experience the thrill of peace. Let it be the hours before dawn. This is preferable because the body is refreshed by sleep and the peregrinations of day-time have yet to impinge on the senses and distract physical and mental energy. Have a lamp, with a bright little flame, steady and straight, or a candle, before you. The flame does not diminish in lustre, however many lamps may be lit therefrom. So, the flame is the most appropriate symbol of the eternal Absolute.

Light for Meditation

If you can, sit cross-legged; if your are not able to sit thus, then sit in any comfortable position, in front of the flame. Look on the flame steadily and closing your eyes, try to feel it inside you, between your eyebrows. From there, let it descend down into the lotus of your heart, illumining the path. When it enters the heart, in the centre of the chest, imagine that the petals of the lotus bud open out, one by one, bathing every thought, feeling, emotion and impulse in the Light and removing darkness. There is no space now for darkness to take refuge; it has to flee before the flame. Imagine that the Light becomes wider, bigger, brighter. It pervades the limbs; they can no more busy themselves in dark, wicked, suspicious activities. They have become, you are conscious of it, instruments of Light, that is to say, of Love.

The Light reaches the tongue. Falsehood, slander, bragging and spite vanish from it. It reaches the eyes and the ears. All dark desires that infest and infect them are destroyed by the brilliant Light of Wisdom and Virtue. No more puerility, no more poisoning of the ear. Let your head be charged with Light; all wicked, vicious thoughts disappear, for, these are denizens of darkness. Imagine that Light in you more and more intensely — and it will be so. Let it shine all around you, enveloping you in the brilliance of Love; let it spread from you, in ever widening circles, taking into its fold your kith and kin, the loved ones, friends, companions — nay, strangers, foes, rivals, enemies — all men all over the world, all living beings — all

Do this every day, without break; for as long as you enjoy it; do this deeply and systematically; a time will certainly come when you can no more relish dark and evil thoughts, no more yearn for dark and sinister books, no more crave for toxic food and drinks, no more handle ugly demeaning things, no more suffer infliction of infamy or injury, no more formulate evil designs. You are then in the realm of the Divine, of Peace beyond words.

Stay on in that thrill, witnessing Light, being Light, everywhere, for all. If you are used to adoring God in any form, visualise that Form in that Light. For, Light is God; God is light. When light meets light, it is all Light. There is no boundary between your light and His Light. They merge, they fulfil.

In this peacelessness that is confounding the world, you must seek the higher spiritual peace; in that higher spiritual peace you can visualise Supreme Splendour and in that Supreme Splendour, the all-embracing Light
(immanent and transcendent splendour, boundless, benign) is experienced; in that all-embracing Light, the Universal Eternal Absolute is experienced. When the individual meets the Universal it becomes Universal. I and I become we; we and he become only we. Practise this meditation, regularly everyday. At other times, repeat the Name of God (any name that arouses in you the spirit of adoration and devotion), always taking care to be intensely conscious of His Might, Mercy and Munificence.

You may download an MP3 file with the (jyothi) Light Meditation (given above) here.

meditation candle