The ladies of The Mystery School follow the guidance of The Source and take time out to meditate. This is due the method which The Source and its agents (such as Jalarm) to explore information and material about life, its structures, its common spiritual essence in all the galaxies; matters unthought of and unheard of. Revelation requires that we make space within for divine love to give itself. Hence, the frequent calls by The Source to meditation. (In another place, The Source tells, “A day without meditation is a day wasted“). The Source (God) returns to answer questions that require the hearers (and you, our readers) to engage further investigation and reflection. With the second question arising from meditation, we learn of the equal sided cross and the role and function of astrology in the human journey.
Meditation on Light
Many years ago, perhaps in the early days of awakening in the New Age movement, the times of the 11-11 portal openings, many seers and visionaries were reporting that a time of three days of darkness was to come; there would be no light, no electricity, and humanity would be living in darkness. As most of humanity would be in ignorance of this, this was expected to be a time of terror and extreme reactions by persons unable to cope with such a catastrophe, as some would call this. It is now understood that in the last three months, this “wall of darkness” has occluded the light, and darkened the inner light to some extent in the social, intellectual, physical and spiritual domains of the person.