The Dog Race and the Human Race

anubbisThose who follow the Mystery School will know that the Universe is literally teeming with life on other stars, other planets, in millions of galaxies and universes. Alcheringa, Jalarm, Cosmic Sai Baba and The Source (God), the Creative Source of The ALL have shared that there are “star-people”. They are humanoid in appearance, sometimes have large eyes and others are insectoid, yet again there are others who have odd ears (the Hathors) and there are those who look like animals. In this session of The Mystery School, the ladies have received an image of a Dog headed being and are asked to research and seek questions about this race of beings that have exist, have been here on the Earth, and their relation to the dogs on Earth in this day and age, along with their traits and characteristics.

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Reincarnation, Star Peoples and the Journey of the Foetus

foetusThe ladies that make up the Mystery School often share that it is nearly impossible to think or to delve within themselves to find questions to ask; this is attributed to the high levels of energy present in The Oracle itself and the extra-ordinary high levels of energy that Jalarm gives out with his presence. We may vouch for this phenomenon ourself.

Yet, this phenomenon aside, a most important part of the Mystery School is the discussions the ladies have once the session has commenced; the raised levels of energy present, many spirit beings from other worlds attend (we have been told several times – and we have their gratitude for these sessions) and thoughts are floated around them by members of the Hierarchy in order that the ladies pick them up, make them their own, and then begin to develop the material presented.

Collaboration and teamwork – in harmony, cooperation and understanding – is a most valuable component of the workings of the Mystery School. Often, common-sense is blended with spiritual-sense as the participants delve deeper into the work of the School. This provides a most important foundation as we do this day explore about Reincarnation, the Zeta Greys and the journey of the human foetus.

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