The Origins of the Equal Sided Cross

equal-symbolThe Mystery School meets and chants the sacred sound, the cause of the Universe and life on Earth. The curriculum of the Original University – that is, the Universe and its Source – is presented to the students who receive their images, have discussion along with Question-and-Answer with The Source. In this meeting (or lesson, if you wish) the students learn about the Equal Sided Cross and its origin from the galaxies and universes.

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The Place of Intuition

headheartThe Mystery School retreats to meditation and reflection, to emerge with more questions. Here the Mystery School seeks to know about the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross – as a balance for the explanation given by The Source. The Source then takes up The Oracle to give an extended teaching on intuition and its role in the lives of all on their soul path. In fact, The Source goes on to explain how all races (Star People) in all galaxies and universes share similar features, similar inner organs, and intuition once they come as a Soul into a Human Earth Body; there is no cause for mistrust.

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The Soul in the Human

Soul and Vitruvian ManIn the work of the Mystery School we have learned of the pre-history of the human, and the history of how this Earth-planet came to be. Everything that is here has been brought from somewhere else. In the earlier days, the atmosphere was less dense, and the Earth was colder; it was moved into its present orbit, and the satellite called Moon was brought here to provide energies, balances and to preside over the mind.

We have also learned in The Mystery School via Jalarm and The Oracle of how the Bird-beings were instrumental in bringing life here, how there were dragons on land in in water, how the manatees gave milk from their teats to the warm-blooded beings that were born from them. Today we learn about the Soul, that all beings born here – all life forms, Jalarm confirms – are enchristed within with the Soul, the Christ-light, the crystal light within. There are some forms of star-people coming and going that do not have this enchristed light within. We also learn about Moses in Egypt.

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The Blue Gods

blue buddhaThe ladies of the Mystery School meet again during the dry month of January. There are questions about the blue-coloured depictions of the Gods in many civilisations. Jalarm shares that those how have access to the higher vision by way of their lifestyle and austerities can see things as they actually are, in addition to vision of higher octaves of colour and vibration. Everything is energy, and sound and colour are of the same vibration; a creative vibrationary essence. It is well known that the ancient Rishis of India had access to higher dimensions of existence. Jalarm describes the higher forms of life – human life.

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The Chinese and Asiatic Races

studentsThe Mystery School continues to work with The Oracle as guided by Jalarm (pronounced ‘Yalum’). The question is about the Chinese – and other asiatic races – and their origins. Their skin colour and body hair is different to the other races of humanity. As we have been told, everything was brought here from other places in the universes (there are many universes) and Jalarm the Atlantean has shared that there were many civilisations started by starpeoples from other stars.

Some starpeoples had to come here, for their homes were deleted through planetary conflicts; others came to assist the development and the knowledge of the hairy upstanding ape, who, through genetic manipulation and implanting of the Crystal Light within, had separated from servitude to their reptilian masters and needed to learn many skills in order to evolve and transform this planet to its original purpose of A-din (the starpeoples word-with-energy-vibration) which we call Edena beautiful place, a garden world filled with peace and harmony.

We return to Jalarm and the discussion about the Origin of the Chinese Peoples:

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