Creation at different levels

modern robotThe Mystery School continues with its questions. Our cars have computers and air-bags, our vacuum cleaners have programmed intelligence and can clean floors without us, our swimming pool cleaners can do the same. There have been robots on assembly lines in manufacturing for many years. The science fiction writers scribe about intelligent robots in the future, and Isaac Asimov penned the three laws of positronic robots (scary, hey?). Kubrik’s movie 2001: A Space Odyssey was released in 1968. We have passed 2001 and many of these scenarios – and more – have become commonplace in our everyday world. The Mystery School asks questions.

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Power of Women; Races in the Cosmos

starsThe ladies of the Mystery School meet in person once again. Travel can be very far and perhaps, very frequent in this day and age. Valerie is to travel to the south of France (for sacred purposes) soon and the ladies of the Mystery School ask Jalarm how the sessions with The Oracle might continue. The conversation then turns to a recent transmission from Cosmic Sai Baba and the power of women (particularly the power of women in leadership and how this does not lead to conflict and war).

Valerie has questions about the ancient cosmic races in this part of the galaxy and we hear – once again – of Hanuman and the extinct race of Vanara. Jalarm goes on to hint about the link to the hairy-upstanding-ape who went on to become the Hue-man, the one who is filled with light. We also hear of ancient cosmic wars, the Reptilian races, and how this aggressive energy (left-over from the cosmic wars) is still within the human.

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Free Will Planet; Experience and Discernment

sacred earthThe Mystery School continues its discussions and talk around the subject of free will. It does seem that we have free will, yet, from other perspectives there are events that are pre-ordained. A need to reflect on free will and the purposes of taking birth, and the matter of soul-blueprints is considered.

It is time.

It is now that the forces of light and dark come very close, and there is an apparent need – as the Mystery School experiences on this day – to use discernment, spiritual sense and common sense about the materials that are being channelled. As the forces of light and dark are pushed towards one another, the presence of beings not of the light, confusion, obfuscation comes to light workers. What to do.

We need clarity and common sense with the material coming through, be it channelling, automatic writing, use of a sanctified oracle. We may evaluate the material using our cultivated and long established spiritual intelligence. As the ladies of the Mystery School discover, mischievous elements may interfere with matters …

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The Sphinx, the Lion People (Leonines) and the Sacred Fire of the Source of All Creation

sphinx partially excavatedThe Mystery School turns to questions about the Sphinx and the underground tunnels thought to be there. Through questions to the Oracle, the ladies of the Mystery School make a surprising discovery about an eternal fire, a flame in an underground temple below the Sphinx. The fire is told to be the Soul of the Earth, a Creative Fire from the Creative Source of All.

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Coming of Warm-blooded Creatures; Navigational Aids.

EarthThe Mystery School has been called together to reveal the history of the Earth and its many civilisations and cultures that have been lost since the Fall of Atlantis. Much information comes from time out of human recorded history, and we are frequently reminded by “upstairs” that time is faster in those dimensions and in fact, due the higher dimensions present on Earth before the Fall of Atlantis – time was both marked differently and a faster dimensional energy that what we Earthlings experience now.

In fact, our carbon dating systems do not detect these multidimensional energies and so do not give an accurate recording nor dating of artifacts. In the Old Empire and in the later times of many civilisations of star-peoples living here on Earth there was DNA sharing among species in order to allow the cold-blooded creatures to experience a warm-blooded life (and the feelings – emotions that go with such a life).

The Mystery School asks about the ancient rock which allowed man to navigate the seas with the aid of rocks and stones that actually held a consciousness that could aid man in navigation. And so the Mystery School furthers its purposes and learns about – and shares – more of our lost history.

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