The Mystery School continues with its questions. Our cars have computers and air-bags, our vacuum cleaners have programmed intelligence and can clean floors without us, our swimming pool cleaners can do the same. There have been robots on assembly lines in manufacturing for many years. The science fiction writers scribe about intelligent robots in the future, and Isaac Asimov penned the three laws of positronic robots (scary, hey?). Kubrik’s movie 2001: A Space Odyssey was released in 1968. We have passed 2001 and many of these scenarios – and more – have become commonplace in our everyday world. The Mystery School asks questions.
Coming of Warm-blooded Creatures; Navigational Aids.
The Mystery School has been called together to reveal the history of the Earth and its many civilisations and cultures that have been lost since the Fall of Atlantis. Much information comes from time out of human recorded history, and we are frequently reminded by “upstairs” that time is faster in those dimensions and in fact, due the higher dimensions present on Earth before the Fall of Atlantis – time was both marked differently and a faster dimensional energy that what we Earthlings experience now.
In fact, our carbon dating systems do not detect these multidimensional energies and so do not give an accurate recording nor dating of artifacts. In the Old Empire and in the later times of many civilisations of star-peoples living here on Earth there was DNA sharing among species in order to allow the cold-blooded creatures to experience a warm-blooded life (and the feelings – emotions that go with such a life).
The Mystery School asks about the ancient rock which allowed man to navigate the seas with the aid of rocks and stones that actually held a consciousness that could aid man in navigation. And so the Mystery School furthers its purposes and learns about – and shares – more of our lost history.
Ancient Nuclear Conflict; Hanuman, star-being and first Human; reception of the Star Peoples
The Mystery School chats on – for learning in the higher dimensions is cyclic and not linear nor rote repetition like the 3R’s of reading, ‘writing’ and arithmetic … gathering and expanding information when working with the higher energies is like the double helix spinning, slowing down, gathering speed and churning with similar, like ideas. Man and Woman must play the game of discovery and self-discovery.
There are questions about pre-historic atomic conflicts and evidence of this by way of radiation and sand turned into blue crystals. The story of Hanuman, the monkey god, who was the first Star Being charged with oversight of this planet, and also gave the DNA imprint for the evolution of the first human, the up-standing ape who would become intelligent. WAR is a terrible thing, and fear of the unknown aided and abetted by weaponry is not a good reception for the star-peoples when they come. For they are coming, with a message of love, a message of our purpose on Earth, and our true destiny as dwellers in a creation crafted so wonderfully by the Creative Source of All.
The extinct Vanara and relation to other races
In this session, the ladies are asked to reflect on an important question relating to an extinct race of intelligent monkeys, known as the Vanara. These are known from the ancient vedic stories of India. The work with The Oracle uncovers activities by the star-peoples, surprising links between various warm blooded races which existed before the time of man, some of which are included in the myths and legends of the oldest hue-man race, the Indigenous peoples of Australia.
The Griffin and the life-form called Dragon
The Mystery School is meeting and Jalarm has given account from time out of any memory about the Bird-like beings and their role in here on Earth, and how the DNA was shared across many species. The Earth was in a different orbit then, and only cold-blooded creatures survived. The group has asked Jalarm a question about the so-called legendary Griffin and Jalarm has asked that some research be undertaken. Meanwhile, the trio ask The Oracle questions about the relation between the Griffin and the Reptilians. The replies and further questions about dragons have an important part to play in understanding how warm blooded beings came about and led to the Human, the one who is filled with the Hue of Light from the Source.