The Mystery School retreats to meditation and reflection, to emerge with more questions. Here the Mystery School seeks to know about the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross – as a balance for the explanation given by The Source. The Source then takes up The Oracle to give an extended teaching on intuition and its role in the lives of all on their soul path. In fact, The Source goes on to explain how all races (Star People) in all galaxies and universes share similar features, similar inner organs, and intuition once they come as a Soul into a Human Earth Body; there is no cause for mistrust.
The Source Speaks
The Source of Light
The ladies of The Mystery School follow the guidance of The Source and take time out to meditate. This is due the method which The Source and its agents (such as Jalarm) to explore information and material about life, its structures, its common spiritual essence in all the galaxies; matters unthought of and unheard of. Revelation requires that we make space within for divine love to give itself. Hence, the frequent calls by The Source to meditation. (In another place, The Source tells, “A day without meditation is a day wasted“). The Source (God) returns to answer questions that require the hearers (and you, our readers) to engage further investigation and reflection. With the second question arising from meditation, we learn of the equal sided cross and the role and function of astrology in the human journey.
Working with the Highest Point
The Ladies of the Mystery School come together once more and learn – to their surprise – that aeons past (time is not linear) in other forms – with the same soul – they volunteered to come to this planet and do this work. As did all the other souls who come here. Shakespeare told, “All the world is a play” and The Source confirms: everything that happens here is a play of consciousness which has a reason and a purpose. The Source explains that it is a responsibility which requires respect – within and without – to work with The Source itself. An invitation is given to many.