The Cosmic Number 7


Hue-mans (Humans, the beings filled with light – hence, light-beings) live on planet Earth in what is now known as the 3rd and 4th dimension. Humans calibrate these dimensions (including time and light) with the Arabic number system which enables life to be sustained and to flourish – or to fall and diminish – on Earth. This is a cause for deep reflection and heart-felt responses for thought and feeling – together – create the life that is reflected back to us.

Numbers are many things, not simply digits for the accountants and stock markets – although these have critical import and influence. Numbers may refer to other dimensions, and in those dimensions, have distinctive vibration, colour and energy. Numbers may represent and delineate layers in dimensions, and numbers – having different cosmic properties – create both name and form. Names in other dimensions – we have been told – have all of number, vibration, sound and energy. So the cosmic dimension, scope and creativity of numbers have manifold inherent life-creating and sustaining properties, as The Source (God) reveals.

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The Cardinal Grand Cross

cardinal grand crossThe Mystery School continues to examine mysteries, this time, from the heavens and the topic of astrology. Jarlarm tells that astrology used to be a scientific matter which has lost is way, and is on the return to strength, once more. Jalarm also tells that the birth and planet which sends light energy to the newborn soul influences that human while in the body. The Mystery School turns to the significance of the Cardinal Grand Cross appearing in this time between eclipses, and seeks to know if this is a signal of the forward advance of humanity into the Golden Age.

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Twin Planets and the Coming Forth of the Star-Peoples

FireAs the Earth approaches the Autumn Equinox, the ladies who do global service bringing their skills and energies together and form the Mystery School meet once again, after a long summer and amid global challenges. Jalarm has come and reassured all present that all thing shall be well, if but we learn who we are and why we are here. True to their task, the ladies ask questions about the history of the Earth and the presence of Star Peoples.

Jalarm – in his compassion – explains much about the past of the Earth and how the Earth herself was brought here and all on her was in fact brought from elsewhere. There are other planets in our Universes which resemble the Earth, and the beings upon them have emotions and are somewhat earthling – like in appearance. Jalarm goes on to explain …

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Journey of the Soul; Names and Forms; Planetary Healing;

AngelWe have all emerged from the Source of All, and when we take up our bodies, we form a relation with that whom we feel the strongest connection – to the All, to Boundless Love, to that name and form we feel affinity for. Now is the time for Planetary Healing, now is the time to understand and experience, All is ONE. Read on as Jalarm unfolds the journey of the Soul.

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The Dark-haired Dark-eyed peoples

Map showing Melanesia, PolynesiaIn order that we, the hue-man (the being that is filled with the Hue of Light) might “see the light” and take our place in the 4th and 5th Dimensions – among the Starpeoples of our Universe – Jalarm and The Oracle pass though information on the multifaceted history of the hue-man. In this session with Jalarm, the origins of the dark-haired and dark-eyed peoples. We learn of different races, different starpeoples, and different times of genetic engineering.

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