The Past, the Future and the Young: What world will we create?

uffingtonIn response to a question about one of the forms of the Hierarchy as divine on Earth, Jalarm reminds us that imagination is the “Nation of Images”, and that the Divines take form as appropriate to the needs of the time and place.

The Harmony Sisters (and guest) had been discussing good and evil, the nature of the soul, and human behaviour. The patterns of the soul and the signature of the soul also came into discussion. There was reference to the mini Ice Age around the the time of the Fall of Atlantis and how humans retreated to the caves; Jalarm tells that many were practically lawless when they came out into the Sun again. It seems our young people at times, can be practically lawless also.

Many elders (and parents) have concerns about young people and the lives they create – some writing this off as “teenage rebellion”. However, Jalarm reminds us that the times are changing, the 4th Dimension is here, and attention must be paid to the needs of the young people and they should be encourage to pursue a path of their own that creates a correlation with what is happening on our planet. They are our future. Wisdom and knowledge were imparted by the starpeoples in times past, and it is present and waiting to be exercised by young people, tells Jalarm.

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The Inner Sun, The Pharaohs, and the Cosmic Number System

It is the 9th of September and the Mystery School has reassembled with Valerie, Jacqui and Jill, after their perambulations hither and thither. Human life is Time, and Jalarm (pronounced Yalarm or Yalum) tells us again today that time is measured differently in the Cosmos. Another important aspect of time is in-tuition; information must produce transformation, and transformation takes time. Hence, the Mystery School – from time to time – does not meet so readers and those who seek to know the mysteries are able to digest information – on multiple levels within.

While there is text on a page (as Yalarm tells in this transmission), names and places and people – in the past – still have influence and may ignite this in-tuition process. In today’s transmissions, Jalarm confirms that He is one and the same with Cosmic Sai Baba (hence the photograph of Valerie with Sai Baba in White!). This day’s transmissions and the messages of the Oracle, while focussed on the Pharaohs of Egypt and the Upper and Lower Nile, reveal surprising matters about number systems of the Cosmos.

‘It is I Yalum and I am pleased to be here. You ask questions and I am ready to answer them. I would like you to know also that the connection between Jalarm and Cosmic Sai Baba – is the same.

Cosmic Sai Baba carries many, many names as He has said when he was here before in an Earth body. But he is not limited any more with that body and so He can move around and influence very easily.

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Measuring time, and the so-called “Junk” DNA

We were wondering how the starpeople measured time????
Yalarm made it clear he wanted to channel through Valerie.

Yalarm: The time is 500,000 years ago BUT our measurement of time is different from what the Scientists say here on Earth. And so you need to ask the Oracle “How long in Earth time” was it that the Nords came (or the Arcturians) to Earth?
(We were told that flowing from the channelling and the Oracle it was allowing us to learn and understand in a different way and that was what they wanted us to do.)

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The Oracle

questianJacqui, Jill and myself had been invited by Cosmic Sai Baba to work the Oracle, meaning a Ouija Board as most people know it… when we said a prayer, after joining hands and asking for a blessing – we also sang 3 Oms … the wine glass spelt out the name God. Intuitively we realized the Ouija Board had been sanctified and was now in the name of God.

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