The Outback Cross, the subterranean waters; frustrations and knowing your purpose

doorwayThe Mystery School toils on using both The Oracle and asking questions of Jalarm. The ladies remark that the energies are very strong indeed this day, recalling other occasions and members of The Hierarchy, when they have been present. A question is asked about the plans of Australian Aboriginal Elders who seek to place a huge cross in the Outback atop a hill for the spiritual benefit of all on this Earth.

Jalarm is asked about the great reserves of underground water. This becomes an opportunity to remind us all that the Earth is not entirely solid, and there ought be checks and balances in mining operations. Mining is a great risk for our planet and its stability. The ladies of the Mystery School ask for any important message. A most revealing answer about the presences of the star-people and the pupose of life on this planet is tendered for our reflection.

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Everything has consciousness

Flock of BirdsAmid the extreme heat of an Australian Summer, The Mystery School meets. With humility, they ask for a message from Jalarm (pronounced Yalum) and receive a surprising answer about how Oracles operated in the times before the Fall of Atlantis. The questions for today range from energy obtained from trees and their role in the nurturance of the Earth and its atmosphere. There is also a question on the nature of group minds and how these operate. Jalarm reminds us that thinking creates our world and our experience. Positive thoughts and prayers can make our world a better place. The ladies present share a common vision of a tall cross in the Australian Outback.

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Journey of the Soul; Names and Forms; Planetary Healing;

AngelWe have all emerged from the Source of All, and when we take up our bodies, we form a relation with that whom we feel the strongest connection – to the All, to Boundless Love, to that name and form we feel affinity for. Now is the time for Planetary Healing, now is the time to understand and experience, All is ONE. Read on as Jalarm unfolds the journey of the Soul.

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The Dark-haired Dark-eyed peoples

Map showing Melanesia, PolynesiaIn order that we, the hue-man (the being that is filled with the Hue of Light) might “see the light” and take our place in the 4th and 5th Dimensions – among the Starpeoples of our Universe – Jalarm and The Oracle pass though information on the multifaceted history of the hue-man. In this session with Jalarm, the origins of the dark-haired and dark-eyed peoples. We learn of different races, different starpeoples, and different times of genetic engineering.

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Good living, Food and Common Sense


An important teaching is “you are what you eat”. In a previous transmission, Jalarm told that a well balanced diet and taking appropriate supplements can aid the re-activation of the 10 strands of inactive DNA within the human. In this session with The Oracle and Jalarm, we take up this earlier issue briefly. Jalarm tells that Blood Groups are very important where diet is concerned, and that we should all seek to find the diet we are comfortable. It is important, however, that we do not over-eat. Jalarm also says that common sense and balance is needed with supplements. The first of the Full Moon meetings for world peace and harmony is mentioned.

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