The Earth Energy and the Bird-like Beings

gamma ray burstMuch is happening in these early years of the 21st Century. Astronomers ponder dark matter and investigate black holes. Others send radio signals into deep space in the search for extra terrestrial life. Scientists analyse gamma-ray bursts and seek to understand the origin of the Universe and the story of the stars.

Once again the Mystery School convenes at Werwai, and Jalarm is present. Jalarm reveals that many others attend the Mystery School – on other dimensions and from other universes. They seek to hear and understand the magnificent story of Earth and the evolution of the Human and the roles of the different races that lived here – trillions of years before the human – so long ago, as Jalarm tells, that it cannot be measured in our time.

We recall that Jalarm told that the word Eden – pronounced Adin in the star-worlds – actually holds the vibration of creation of a beautiful garden of harmony and peace. And so this was to be the deeper purpose of this blue planet in a dark corner of the galaxy. Many races living in a beautiful garden, side by side, in harmony and peace. Jalarm attends, the members of the Mystery School ask their questions and work with The Oracle.

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Mermaids, Mammals and the evolvement of the Ape-like being

The sessions with Jalarm and the Oracle continue as questions take a turn towards guardians of the planet who moved through the waters, and held the light energy from the Source of All Creation. Other questions explore the evolution of the Ape-like being (which, Jalarm tells, was originally a cold-blooded creation of the Reptilians and Draconians), to the relations between the Ape like creature and the being known as Hunaman (Hanuman) to the Dravidian peoples.

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Moldavite is the remains of the Mothership Rexegena

Valerie is asking: About the Moldavite?

Jalarm wanted to go back to the Oracle.

The Oracle spelt out: FAITH.

We asked the Oracle: “Is the Moldavite Stone the remains of the Mothership Rexegena? … YES!

How long ago did the Mothership Rexegena come to Earth?”

The Oracle spelt out 700,000 years … in 4th dimensional time and then: 900,000 years in 3rd dimensional time.

We asked, “Was the Egyptian Tomb at Kariong created around 4,500 years ago?

Then Jalarm signalled he wished to speak through Valerie again.

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Chinese-Asian Light Body Ancestry

arctic manIn a discussion there was talk about the Chinese having a joke that they call the White man a Barbarian.  And they say it with some disdain.  It suggests that the Chinese Race came from a different source than that of the Ape man.  We decided to ask the Oracle.

We asked the Oracle if the Chinese were from a separate evolutionary path?

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