Reincarnation – earth souls, starpeople souls

Once again, the Mystery School at Werai joined to work with The Oracle and Jalarm and bring forth knowledge and understanding. Intuition is inner-tuition, which raises us in consciousness, deep within. Before we were all born, we entered into different Soul Blueprints, that we might engage one another and smooth the path for humanity to understand its history and journey – particularly from the Fall of Atlantis.

Some have the teachings of Allah, some have the teachings of Jesus, some have the teachings of Buddha, some follow Zoroastra, and others have the teachings of Krishna. The great teachers of humanity teach of abiding love and presence the Creative Source of All. The inner gift of these great teachers of humanity, the core of love and light reaches out to our own inner light and urges us forward toward that which we feel is right for us. It is the heart that knows love and understands love on deeper levels.

What is the story of the coming and going of souls? The Tibetan teaching is that for each birth, there are 10,000 applicants. Where do all these souls come from, how is it they reincarnate? To what level of being-awareness-compassion and love must they evolve before reincarnation happens? There are many Mystery Schools on Earth, all collaborating with “Upstairs” to bring understanding and knowledge of the origins of humans and their destiny as Souls.

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The Journey of Souls and Consciousness

gull at sea Jacqui asks Jalarm (pronounced Yalarm or Yalum) about the number 144,00 and soul groups. Jalarm tells about soul groups and the how souls are connected to a Being at Source and nurtured from there. Some take a journey of duality, some take a journey of non-duality; there is no judgement about the choices. We hear about Crystal Consciousness, the 7th Dimension and the vibration of crystals on Earth. Other questions relate to Lord Rama and the experience of young people with gender and sexual identity confusion.

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